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Parathyroid Disorders vs. Thyroid Disorders

Painful ThyroidWhat Are Parathyroid Disorders and Thyroid Disorders?

Thyroid disorders usually occur due to excessive or insufficient release of thyroid hormones. Thyroid hormones come from the butterfly-shaped thyroid gland located in the lower neck. These hormones are responsible for a wide variety of functions, including metabolic processes.

No matter whether there’s too much or too little thyroid hormone, the resulting condition is still considered a thyroid disorder. Medications can help regulate the production of thyroid hormone, though the condition is likely to persist long-term once it develops.

On the other hand, parathyroid disorders occur when the parathyroid glands near the thyroid’s back surface release an inappropriate level of PTH hormone. PTH hormone is responsible for the regulation of calcium levels in the body.

As with thyroid disorders, parathyroid disorders can arise based on too much or not enough of the hormone in question. Each variation has its own specific symptoms and possible treatments.

How Are Parathyroid Disorders and Thyroid Disorders Different?

Parathyroid disorders and thyroid disorders are related but distinct. They can arise alone or in conjunction. Because of the different mechanisms behind each disorder, it is important to have an accurate diagnosis and customized treatment plan. A wide range of specific disorders can occur under the umbrellas of thyroid and parathyroid.

Common thyroid disorders include:

Thyroid Nodules

These growths within the thyroid gland are fairly common and are generally non-cancerous. They are present in enlarged thyroid glands. If a growth causes issues breathing or swallowing, removing it with surgery is an option.


The presence of too much thyroid hormone leads to a general “speeding up” of body processes including weight loss, rapid heartbeat, sweating, and anxiety. Anti-thyroid medication can be used to reduce the odds of serious complications.


Fatigue and weakness are the most common symptoms associated with reduced thyroid hormone production. In some cases, the body’s own immune system may attack thyroid tissue. Changes in skin and hair are also possible as the condition progresses.

Common parathyroid disorders include:


When PTH hormone levels are too low, this disorder arises. In many cases, symptoms can be all but eliminated by the use of a specific form of vitamin D, but ongoing monitoring is required.


This variant occurs when PTH levels remain high even when blood calcium levels are elevated. In most patients, surgical removal of an overactive or enlarged parathyroid can resolve the issue.

What Causes Parathyroid Disorders and Thyroid Disorders?

Thyroid heath can become impaired due to a wide range of factors, many of which are under the patient’s control. Severe “starvation” diets, excessive exercise, and even smoking are all factors that can negatively influence the thyroid and parathyroid.

However, some thyroid and parathyroid problems develop due to genetic issues or other problems that patients cannot influence directly. If you have a family history of related health problems, you are at elevated risk.

How Can You Avoid Parathyroid Disorders and Thyroid Disorders?

As with many other chronic conditions, you can moderate your risk through a healthy diet, regular (but not excessive) exercise, and the avoidance of smoking and alcohol. If you are at risk, it is important to see a doctor regularly and get blood-work to help identify issues.

Because there’s a wide range of potential symptoms associated with these illnesses, it often takes some time before a patient receives an accurate diagnosis. In the worst case scenario, he or she may go without treatment for an extended period even though something is clearly wrong.

Lakeside Allergy ENT can identify and treat parathyroid or thyroid problems. To learn more or get started, contact us today.

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