We no longer accept Medicare Advantage or Medicare Replacement plans. We DO accept Traditional Medicare with a secondary/supplement.

Patient Information

Lakeside Allergy ENT is committed to patient accessibility and convenience. To help facilitate a seamless experience for our patients, we provide the following resources. If you have any questions, feel free to call our office directly at 972-771-5443.

For contact information for our practice locations, driving directions and hours of operation, please visit our locations page.

Patient Forms

Download, print and fill out the following forms to save time at your appointment.


We do accept several insurances, please call our office at 972-771-5443. for the most up-to-date information.

Billing & Payment

Payments for services rendered can be made by calling the office at 972-771-5443 and ask for the checkout desk. You can also mail your payment to our office. For other complicated billing issues other than making a payment, you may ask for the billing department.

Should you have questions regarding your insurance denial/payment/coverage please contact your insurance company (member services) or refer to your explanation of benefits.

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