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Top Allergy Center in North Texas

sign that says allergyHaving allergies can have a big impact on your everyday life, especially if your symptoms occur frequently. When you haven’t had success finding effective relief or when you’re not sure what you’re allergic to - going to an allergy center can help.

Benefits of Visiting an Allergy Center

An allergy center is a place that offers allergy testing and treatment options to ease symptoms. These centers can do different types of tests to help patients determine what they are allergic to. This information can help patients explore treatment options to relieve or prevent allergic reactions. In some cases, this can be a life-saving experience, such as when patients have a severe food allergy or allergies to insect stings. These patients can take steps to lower their risk of having a serious reaction and have an epi-pen with them in case of emergencies.

What Kinds of Allergy Tests Are Available?

Allergy centers offer a few different types of tests, including skin tests and blood tests. These tests include:

Press Testing

During this skin test, allergists prick the skin slightly and expose it to a certain allergen. If the skin becomes red or develops other symptoms, such as swelling or itching, this indicates an allergic reaction. These tests are often done on the arm or the back.

Intradermal Skin Tests

This involves using a pressing device to place the allergens and waiting to see if there are any reactions. Intradermal skin tests are usually done for food allergies, insect sting or bite allergies and penicillin allergies. In some cases, they can be done for allergies that affect the respiratory system.

Blood Tests

Immunoglobulin-E testing involves taking a blood sample and checking for antibodies to certain allergens. This test can provide allergists with more specific results about what a patient is allergic to.

What Does an Allergy Center Treat?

Allergy centers can provide treatment options for patients who have different kinds of allergies, such as the following:

  • Seasonal allergies to pollen, ragweed & other allergens that are only around during certain times of the year
  • Dust, pet dander and other allergens commonly found in households
  • Insect stings & bites, such as bee stings or fire ant bites
  • Certain foods
  • Certain medications, such as penicillin

What Treatment Options Are Available?

When patients get the results of allergy testing, they can then discuss the options that are available to them for treatment. In some cases, such as pet dander allergies or dust allergies, this might mean limiting exposure to allergens. Some patients can also receive allergy shots or injections. These injections help their body slowly become used to being exposed to a certain allergen, so that their immune system doesn’t trigger an allergic reaction.

For patients with a potentially life-threatening allergy, such as a bee sting allergy or a food allergy, avoiding exposure as much as possible and having an epi-pen on hand are the usual forms of treatment. An epi-pen can be used in case patients have a severe reaction.

If you suffer from allergies and need relief, contact Lakeside Allergy ENT to set up an appointment.

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