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Am I a Good Candidate for Balloon Sinuplasty?

Balloon sinuplasty is a relatively new procedure that was only approved by the FDA in 2005, but its development was inspired by a longstanding heart procedure, the angioplasty. In an angioplasty, a small balloon is inserted into a blocked artery in the heart. By expanding the balloon, blood flow is restored, preventing further damage to the heart muscle. Using the same idea of expanding the space to improve flow, the balloon sinuplasty can help resolve sinus issues in people who suffer chronically from rhinosinusitis.

How Is a Balloon Sinuplasty Performed?

Chronic sufferers of rhinosinusitis often have inflamed tissues in the sinuses that prevent the sinuses from draining. This can be a very painful experience and rapidly diminishes the patient’s quality of life. Balloon sinuplasty opens the nasal passages so that it is easier for the sinuses to drain. It is a minimally invasive procedure in which a small balloon catheter is inserted through the nostril into the sinus cavity. After the balloon is inflated, saline is administered to help drain the sinus of the buildup of pus and mucus. The catheter is then removed.  Balloon sinuplasty is usually performed in the office setting in most cases with topical anesthesia. Hence reducing recovery time and cost.

Will Balloon Sinuplasty Work for Me?

The results of a balloon sinuplasty are overwhelmingly positive. There have been numerous studies performed to determine the effectiveness of balloon sinuplasty. All of them have reported positive outcomes for the patients with as high as a 94% success rate. The results last for several months to more than a year. 

Do I Need Balloon Sinuplasty?

If you suffer from chronic rhinosinusitis that makes it miserable for you to breathe and eat, and if you have a difficult time with sinus drainage or always feel “blocked up” by your sinuses, balloon sinuplasty is definitely a procedure to consider. For most patients, the relief is instant and long-lasting. Only certain people, such as those who suffer from certain diseases, such as Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia (HHT), who have a high risk of nosebleeds from malformation of the veins and arteries, should discuss the risk of a balloon sinuplasty with their physicians.

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