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Parathyroid & Thyroid Disorder Treatments in Rockwall, Forney & Wylie TX


What are parathyroid and thyroid disorders?

Thyroid disorders include any one of a number of disorders that can affect the thyroid and parathyroid glands. The thyroid is one of the endocrine glands—it manufactures thyroid hormone, which regulates the rate at which your body carries on its necessary functions.

The parathyroid glands are four, small, pea-shaped glands located in the neck on either side of the trachea (the main airway), next to the thyroid gland. The function of the parathyroid glands is to produce parathyroid hormone (PTH), a hormone that helps regulate calcium within the body.

How does Lakeside Allergy ENT treat parathyroid and thyroid disorders?

Lakeside Allergy ENT is home to the top otolaryngologists in Texas who specialize in thyroid and parathyroid disorder treatment. We serve patients of all ages at our three convenient locations in Rockwall and  Forney, TX.

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed below, you may have a parathyroid or thyroid disorder. Our board-certified otolaryngologists will first diagnose your condition and then suggest treatment options, which include anti-thyroid medication and thyroid surgery or removal.

Request an appointment today using the form on this page, or learn more about thyroid disorders and our treatment options below.

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What causes thyroid and parathyroid problems and disorders?

Thyroid Disorders

Diseases of the thyroid gland are very common, affecting millions of Americans. The most common diseases that require treatments for thyroid, as well as parathyroid disorder treatment, are an over or under-active gland or an enlarged gland called a goiter.


The cause of hyperthyroidism is that the thyroid gland is overactive.

  • In Graves’ disease, there is too much thyroid hormone
  • In toxic adenoma, nodules develop in the thyroid and secrete thyroid hormone
  • Subacute thyroiditis is inflammation of the thyroid that causes a leak of excess hormones
  • Hyperthyroidism can also develop from pituitary gland problems or cancer


The thyroid gland is under-active, which slows the body’s metabolism.

  • Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is an autoimmune disorder in which the body attacks the thyroid
  • Removal of the thyroid gland causes no thyroid activity
  • Excessive exposure to iodine and lithium have been linked to under-active thyroid

Enlarged Thyroid (Goiter)

The thyroid is enlarged due to overactivity or underactivity.

Parathyroid Disorders

The four parathyroid glands make parathyroid hormone (PTH), which helps the body keep the right balance of calcium and phosphorous. If the parathyroid glands make too much or too little hormone, it disrupts this balance and creates a need for parathyroid disease treatment.


If parathyroid glands produce extra PTH, this condition causes blood calcium to rise.

  • The cause of an overactive parathyroid is often enlargement of the glands or a benign tumor.


If parathyroid glands do not produce enough PTH, blood has too little calcium and too much phosphorus.

  • Causes of this disorder include injury to the glands, endocrine disorders, or genetic conditions.
  • Hypoparathyroidism treatment is aimed at restoring the balance of calcium and phosphorous.

What are the symptoms of thyroid and parathyroid disorders?

While the symptoms of hyperthyroidism and hyperparathyroidism are different, the symptoms of hypothyroidism and hypoparathyroidism are very similar.

Hyperthyroidism symptoms

  • Increased appetite
  • Feeling shaky or having physical trembling
  • Being irritable, anxious, or nervous
  • Unexplained weight loss that happens fast
  • Heartbeat that is too fast or is irregular
  • Difficulty sleeping or staying asleep
  • Muscle weakness, feeling weak
  • Sweating, sensitivity to heat
  • Thinning skin and brittle hair

Hypothyroidism symptoms

  • Fatigue
  • Sensitivity to cold
  • Constipation
  • Dry skin
  • Weight gain, puffy face
  • Hoarseness
  • Muscle and joint aches, tenderness, stiffness
  • Slowed heart rate
  • Thinning hair

Hyperparathyroidism symptoms

  • Fragile bones that easily fracture
  • Kidney stones
  • Depression
  • Excessive urination
  • Abdominal pain
  • Tiring easily, weakness
  • Depression or forgetfulness
  • Bone and joint pain
  • Nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite

Hypoparathyroidism symptoms

  • Fatigue
  • Sensitivity to cold
  • Weight gain, puffy face
  • Hoarseness
  • Constipation
  • Muscle weakness
  • Slower heart rate
  • Pain, swelling in joints
  • Thinning hair

If you’re suffering from any of these symptoms, schedule an appointment with our board-certified ENT doctors today for expert diagnosis and treatment.

What does thyroid and parathyroid treatment involve?


Because both hyperthyroidism and hyperparathyroidism and hypothyroidism and hypoparathyroidism are caused by either too much or too little hormone, the first thyroid disorder treatment or parathyroid disease treatment is to bring the body’s calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus levels to normal.

  • In some cases, your doctor may recommend an anti-thyroid medication such as propylthiouracil or methimazole (Tapazole®)
  • Hypothyroidism replacement therapy usually involves daily use of the synthetic thyroid hormone levothyroxine (Levoxyl®, Synthroid® and others)

Parathyroid and Thyroid Surgery

  • Thyroid disorder surgery is an operation to remove part or all of the thyroid gland
  • It is performed in the hospital, and general anesthesia is usually required
  • The operation removes the lobe of the thyroid gland containing the lump and possibly the isthmus
  • Hyperparathyroidism treatment surgery is the removal of one or more of the four glands
  • Whatever section of tissue is removed will be sent for biopsy and the results will determine if further surgery is needed
  • Most patients are discharged one to three days after surgery
  • Patients who have all of their thyroid or parathyroid gland removed have a higher risk of low blood calcium post-operatively and this is treated with hormone medication

Schedule Your Consultation Today!

Lakeside Allergy ENT is home to three board-certified otolaryngologists who specialize in diagnosis and treatment of all ear, nose and throat related disorders, including thyroid and parathyroid disorders. Thyroid disorder treatment and parathryoid disease treatment require expert care. If you have any of the symptoms of any type of thyroid disorder, call our office at 972-771-5443 or get started by requesting an appointment.

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