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Hearing Testing & Evaluation in Rockwall & Forney,TX

Hearing Testing & Evaluation Rockwall TX

The Hearing Center at Lakeside Allergy ENT is home to the top audiologists in Texas who perform hearing testing, screening, and evaluations, diagnose and treat hearing loss, and dispense hearing aids. Patients have access to our audiology services at all three of our Texas practice locations – Rockwall and Forney TX. We offer a wide range of hearing tests and evaluations to classify the type and degree of hearing loss.

Book a hearing exam today using the form on this page, or learn more about hearing loss and our types of hearing tests below.

How prevalent is hearing loss?

Many people expect that only the elderly have hearing loss. But while more than 30% of people over age 65 do have some type of hearing loss, 14% of those decades younger—between 45 and 64—also experience some degree of hearing loss. Close to 8 million people in the United States between the ages of 18 and 44 have hearing loss.

Hearing loss testing is important to detect and prevent hearing loss earlier on and determine the appropriate treatment options in order to improve or restore a patient’s quality of life.

How often should hearing testings and evaluations be performed?

Adults should have a hearing test at least once every decade through age 50 and have hearing evaluations at 3-year intervals thereafter. Infants and children also need to have hearing tests regularly. Screening for newborns is usually done in the hospital and children are typically tested at school (parents should ask schools about their hearing testing procedures). If hearing tests are skipped, the average age of detection of significant hearing loss is approximately 14 months. This late, language development is delayed and affects a child’s ability to learn and speak.

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What types of hearing loss tests do you offer?

At Lakeside Allergy ENT, we offer a wide range of hearing tests to help our audiologists classify the type of hearing loss and the degree of hearing loss. A comprehensive hearing test and screening often involves multiple components, which may include:

Otoacoustic Emissions (OAEs) Testing

Otoacoustic emissions are sounds given off by the inner ear. People with hearing loss greater than 25 to 30 decibels do not produce these very soft emissions. OAE evaluations can be used for newborns and can detect hearing problems in older patients such as outer ear canal blockage, middle ear fluid, and damage to the outer hair cells in the cochlea.

Pure-Tone Hearing Testing

Pure-tone air conduction determines the faintest tones a person can hear at selected pitches. During this hearing test, both ears are tested and the patient gives feedback when presented with different sounds. The hearing screening results are recorded in an audiogram. Sometimes, young children are given a more play-like activity to indicate response. The most common techniques involve visual reinforcement audiometry (VRA) and conditioned play audiometry (CPA).

Pure-Tone Bone Conduction Testing

Pure-tone bone conduction hearing testing shows a blockage, such as wax or fluid, in the outer or middle ears. This hearing test procedure involves placing a small vibrator behind the ear or on the forehead that creates gentle vibrations of the skull. This audiology test can measure the response of the inner ear to sound independently of the outer and middle ears.

Speech Testing

Speech testing is part of hearing loss testing. It involves a combination of listening and speech evaluations. One test is the speech reception threshold (SRT). The SRT records the faintest speech that can be heard half the time. Word recognition or the ability to correctly repeat back words at a comfortable loudness level is recorded. Speech testing may be done in a noisy environment because having difficulty understanding speech with background noise is a common complaint of people with hearing loss.


Tympanometry hearing testing is a test of the middle ear. It helps detect fluid in the middle ear, earwax or perforation of the eardrum and measures the mobility of the eardrum. Graphs can reveal a stiff eardrum, a hole in the eardrum, or an eardrum that moves too much. This type of hearing test is often recorded when children have middle ear infections.

If you or a loved one is experiencing any symptoms of hearing loss or would like to learn more about hearing testing and evaluation at Lakeside Allergy ENT, call our office at 972-771-5443 or get started by requesting an appointment using the form on this page.

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